Thursday, February 7, 2013

It’s not over.

Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word. Proverbs 16:1 MSG

There is a song that has been on my heart for about two weeks and I absolutely love it. Every time I hear I find myself feeling emotions and feelings that seem to touch places of my heart that I didn’t even know existed. The song is called “It’s not over” By Israel & New Breed. This song speaks to the difficulties and challenges that we all face in life and how that no matter what is going on or what happens in our lives that God has the final say. It means so much to me because I find a peace and reassurance knowing that God is current in my situation and he has it under control and no matter what someone else or myself feel the end result should be or what should happen God doesn’t need my input or help. Now I really don’t need to say anything else because that should be all we need to hear to keep pressing on but I realize if you’re anything like me it’s a lot easier said than done.

So I want to do the same thing for you that the song has done for me and that is to give you hope and encouragement with God’s word and what he has shown me. I’ve shared before that we all face many trials and hardships in life and sometimes it just seems like there is no way out and no end in sight and I believe that’s because we choose to focus more on the problem or the issue more than we do the problem solver (Jesus). Whether you received a bad report or you just have someone tell you that there is no hope or no way out just remember this truth that: God has the final say. Just like In Proverbs 16:1 the message version it says “Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word. So no matter what a report says or how bad it looks God has the last word.

In Deuteronomy 31:8 it tells us that “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Another important thing I want you to remember and hear is just like this verse says the Lord goes before us and he never leaves us or forsakes us so it’s a guarantee that he is there with us no matter what we go through and that he is in complete control and knows what he is doing. I don’t know about you but it is a huge comfort that when I encounter something that’s seems to be very overwhelming and out of my hands to know God has gone before me and that he has a plan and purpose for that exact moment because he is it with me and because he has gone before me  this very situation has not caught him off guard and he knows exactly what to do and when to do it. Trusting in his timing is not always easy but it’s essential to getting the result we need. It may not always be the result we want but you can be sure it’s the one we need.

The last thought that comes to mind and I just feel this in my spirit it is simply we care burdens and worries that we were not meant to bear and that we cannot carry. Think about this God has already told us its coming, trials and difficulties are going to happen. In James chapter 1 he goes on to tell us to count it all a joy that the trials happen. So if we’ve been told that there coming and to count it all a joy because they’ve happen then we got to know that God has the final say and that he works everything together for our good. It is my hope that you feel encouraged and take heart that no matter what going on today or tomorrow it’s not over until God says so and that he has the final say. Here is to letting God be the final and absolute authority in our lives not just when things are good but even in the most difficult times of our lives. God you are it for me.


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