Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jesus is my Superhero.

Colossians 1:13,14 MSG: God rescued us from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. He’s set us up in the kingdom of the Son he loves so much, the Son who got us out of the pit we were in, got rid of the sins we were doomed to keep reapeating.

When we hear the word superhero we often think of Batman, Superman, Hulk, Thor, Ironman, Spiderman and of course we could go on and on and name many more. A superhero is defined as a fictional character with superhuman powers and according to its definition is simply fictional and not real. Now I’m not a comic book guy so I’m no expert on what the purpose of superhero’s where designed for, but from the many movies I’ve seen they serve an entertainment value and often we find ourselves wanting to do the things they do or live the way they live. I mean who wouldn’t want to have Batman’s car or even be able to fly around like Superman or even have the amazing strength like Hulk I know I have. Many superheros’ are always pouring their lives out to protect and defend people even the ones that we feel don’t deserve it. They are always putting others before themselves and simply come to realize they will never be normal because there weren’t designed to be normal. But if I can be honest the definition of superhero is incorrect see actually there is a superhero and his name is Jesus Christ and he is alive and well. Before comic books there was the Bible and in this very book we see many stories of Jesus doing what Mr. Superman couldn’t do. See Jesus is my superhero and my Jesus walked on water, fed 5000 people with a few pieces of fish and bread and even had leftovers, he raised people from the dead, and even gave himself up for me so I could be free take that Batman. My Bat signal is prayer and anytime I pray my Jesus always shows up, unlike Thor he lives in a beautiful place called heaven and one day I will be with him and just like Hulk he has amazing strength he saved me from a life of destruction and didn’t even break a sweat. My Ironman suit is the armor of Christ and unlike Ironman I only need one suit because mine doesn’t break or wear out. See my Jesus was a superhero before there were superheroes so he is an original and many people have spent years trying to make their own superhero’s Wealth, Pride, Lust, Power, and etc. but just like every other superhero after Jesus they have all been proven to be simply what the definition states fictional and not real. Jesus poured his life out for us and he is always saving those who call out to him, he holds the keys to everything so there is nothing he can’t do and unlike any other superhero’s we can actually do the things he does and more. So if you find yourself today needing to see what a superhero really is pick up a bible and read it and if you want to experience what being with a superhero is like all you need to do is call out to him and he will show up. So the next time someone asks who your favorite superhero is simply reply the one that’s real Jesus.


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